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Web Hosting

11:22 am

The Control Panel now provides the ability to create guest users

Keeping your feedback in mind, we’ve continually improved the Control Panel to make it more versatile and adaptable. And now, we are enhancing its accessibility by enabling account owners to create guest users and assign specific management rights to other users. What is a guest user? A guest user is in effect a user profile[continue...]

3:40 pm

What is Shared Web Hosting?

Shared hosting is a type of web hosting where a single server is used to host multiple websites. These websites share the resources of the server, such as the CPU, memory, and disk space. This type of hosting is the most popular and economical option for small businesses and bloggers.

3:35 pm

The 1-click Web Apps and Frameworks Installers have been updated with more new, popular installs

Fri, 18 Sep 2020 Two of the most popular tools of the Web Hosting Control Panel – the 1-click Web Apps Installer and the Frameworks Installer have undergone a major update to their existing listings.

3:27 pm

A brand new Site Builder integrated into the Control Panel

Thu, 1 Aug 2019 We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of a brand new, sleek and absolutely newbie-friendly Site Builder. It will replace the ages-old Site Studio and is designed to help you build super cool, modern-looking websites from scratch with just a few clicks.